HomeArea CodesUtah — 801801-996801-996-1391

☎ (801) 996-1391 serviced by Teleport Communications Group, Salt Lake City, UT

Number registered in Salt Lake City, UT.

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Number registered in Salt Lake City, UT

Tips to identify the owner of the 8019961391 phone number

  1. White Pages, Yellow Pages and different phone books, like ATT Directory Assistance can help to reverse the commercial/corporate phones. Check them out!
  2. The Insider Tip: try calling voicemail directly and listen to the greetings there. Call 267-SLYDIAL (267-759-3425), listen to the advertisement and enter the phone number you wish to unveil.
  3. The best social engineering tip: Just call +1-8019961391 and listen who and how responds there ;-)
  4. But beware calling the paid numbers, making long distance and international calls!!! You should never call them back. It's so called 'Phishing Scam' and callback rip off.
  5. Try a reverse phone check or a background check for 8019961391.
    This is not free, but can reveal more details.
    Also check your own phone number without additional cost ;-)

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Phone type: Landline
Main city: Salt Lake City
Timezone: Mountain
Operator: Teleport Communications Group

Salt Lake City, often shortened to Salt Lake or SLC, is the capital and the most populous city in the state of Utah. With an estimated population of 189,314 in 2012, the city lies in the core of the Salt Lake City metropolitan area, which has a total population of 1,175,905. Salt Lake City is further situated in a larger urban area known as the Wasatch Front, which has a population of 2,350,274. It is one of only two major urban areas in the Great Basin (the other being Reno, Nevada), and the largest in the Intermountain West. source

The main area code, 801, was one of the original area codes created in 1947, and served the entire state of Utah. On September 21, 1997, 801 was restricted to the Wasatch Front, while area code 435 was assigned to the counties outside of it. 385 is an overlay area code covering the same area as 801 which entered service on 1 June 2008. source

How can I locate and track (801) 996-1391 phone number?

There are two ways to locate a mobile phone:

  1. Hardware method: The provider Teleport Communications Group of the cell phone can locate the cell phone within a square kilometer — typical cell-tower range. The police with a court order and the NSA can get that data.
  2. Software method: The operation system of the cell phone can get the exact location of your phone via GPS. You can get this data by installing a GPS tracking app, or login to the Google or iCloud account.
    You can locate an iPhone with Find my iPhone, Android with Device Manager or Samsung App and Windows Lumia phones using Find My Phone.

How to block calls or SMS from (801) 996-1391?

Mobile phones also offer (in addition to countless apps for blocking) "All calls to voicemail" redirect function.

Number also appears as

(801) 996-1391, 801-996-1391, 8019961391, 0018019961391, +1 (801) 996-1391

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Note: this is not the exact phone location - just showing surroundings of the city, where number is possibly located/registered.